Thursday, November 14, 2013

Post #1 - Pilot

To be straight out with it, this isn't meant actually intended for many people to come read, this is kinda like my tech journal where I'm gonna write down stuff that happens quite often with my phone, and I may talk about other stuff in the tech world to just express myself...

An outdated Galaxy Ace.

The beauty of it?
It runs Android 4.2 thanks to the brilliant guys over at XDA .

My next (hopefully) to-be phone?
The Nexus 5.

The specs of a Galaxy Ace?

A lightning fast 800MHz processor,
Humongous 277MB RAM, (which renders just 50mb free)
"Never-gonna-need-more" 200MB Storage (which after everything renders around 95MB free)
State-of-the-art Adreno 200 GPU.
And the ever so amazing Gingerbread as the Stock OS.

What I've made this into?

Overclocked to around 921MHz (still meh, considered to today's standards - laughable even; but hey! better than 800 right?)
Gave it a swap partition for virtual RAM so about 256MB more..
Thanks to INT2EXT4+ by Cronsomething over at XDA, increased internal storage to around 1.8GB
Thanks to another mod over at XDA, disabled CPU rendering and enabled full GPU rendering for a better UI experience and smoother graphics.
And the beautiful 4.2 Jellybean OS.

In reality, I'm not the actual genius here, the guys over at XDA are. But it takes a lil knowledge to know what to do to your phone..

Anyway, brace yourself. The blogs are coming. ..

1 comment:

  1. Cool blog! I likey. You've explained stuff well for the newbies.
    Oh, and a bit of advice: I suggest you explain how to pronounce most of the techy stuff and names involved here. I know you have- and that's cool for some guys out there who have no idea what they are doing with their phones, but trust me, I know people who'll pronounce it as "ext" instead of "e x t". :P Just saaaayiiinggg. ;P
